Important Email About Dancing (June 2024)

EMAIL SENT ON 13/06/24:


An Important Announcement

In common with all venues, we've struggled recently with a divided audience which has at times led to complaints and occasional argument. We have to try and please two distinct groups, those that want to stand and dance, whenever they want, and those that wish to remain seated and, of course, all that we aim for is that all of our visitors have a great time.

The Spa Pavilion Theatre is perhaps the first theatre in the country to take action to resolve this issue. We believe that we have found a way to keep everyone happy, but it may affect some existing ticketholders, as well as all future ones hence this information email.

After extensive audience consultation and a six month trial, we will now make our most recent trial permanent. This means that we'll no longer allow standing or dancing in our front 9 rows of seats, which is any part of the auditorium in or forward of row K. This provides a space to enable those who wish to remain seated throughout a show to do so without losing their view of the stage when others stand and dance. This is except for the usual encores and ovations which are an integral part of any great show.

Behind row K, dancing is permitted in the aisles or at your seat, at most shows, subject always to our discretion and the need to show consideration to others. Full detail can be seen by clicking here

We believe that this new arrangement gives clarity for all, and opportunity for each individual to select a seat which will allow them to enjoy our shows on their terms. If you have any tickets for future shows which you wish to move as a result of the new rules our box office, on 01394 284962, will be pleased to help.

We wanted to write to ensure that all ticketholders are aware of this change. There is no need to opt out of these emails unless you do not want any future important service announcements, this will not affect receipt of our fortnightly newsletter if you are signed up for that. Thank-you as always for your tremendous support, we hope to see you soon.

Ray Anderson

Theatre Director

Sophie Kennelly